
Showing posts from October, 2016

VALUE: 2-D Space vs. 3-D Space

Last week and this Tuesday the class will be working on their value and space projects addressing atmospheric perspective. Pix to follow.

VALUE: 2-D Space

Last Thursday the class began working with Value. The project is to make a continuous line drawing of large and medium shapes. Once a composition is established, students fill the spaces with four values: white, light gray, dark gray and black. The class will complete these painting with a critique on Tuesday.


Bettina Schoefer Gordon Michelle Frydenlund Rio Dominguez Last night the class completed work on the Architectural Improvisation project. Bettina's drawing is a tumbling and swirling composition of architectural forms separated into linear and shape based elements. The light and dark areas are balanced with textural, gray values and patterns. Michelle's drawing exhibits a multilayered space of rectangular shapes of various sizes are characteristics. The dynamics of the composition are attributed to criss-crossing diagonals and high contrasting values. Rio's drawing exhibits a collage-like composition of disparate and similar objects as well as mark-making effects. The composition is balanced with repeating brick patterns and leaf shapes bound together with high contrast values and textures.


Last Thursday students continued working on the midterm project. Students will have Tuesday night as well to complete the drawings with a critique at the end of class. Pix coming up.


Phillip Vidal On Tuesday, the class began working on their midterm project. This is a two part project. This first part was to draw at least (4) thumbnail sketches from various locations around and within the art building. Students were to observe the intersecting lines, patterns and textures of the architecture, landscape and the objects occupying those spaces. In addition, students tried to create images with varying degrees of value from mostly dark to mostly light as well as equally balanced light and dark areas.