NOTAN: Tension

Last Friday began with a further discussion of Notan. There are three properties of pure Notan. 1. Enclosure: the negative space must be enclosed. 2. Reversibility: Values may be swapped without effecting the positive and negative relationship. 3. Exchange: Positive and Negative areas must be able to exchange roles. (i.e. positive as negative, negative as positive).
Ellen Cox

Todd Jones
Ellen has created a very dynamic design. The "x" pattern establishes a bold horizontal movement. Initially the white columns stand out but the design is so active with repetition that the "eye" stays in continuous motion moving from white to black shapes.
Todd's design is simple yet very effective. The black and white areas are exactly the same design establishing vertical, horizontal and diagonal rhythms.
Lindsay Cole

Todd Jones
In the afternoon, the class made studies of a single object represented in silhouette. The shape was then stretched, twisted and distorted in an effort to create a rhythm of evolution as well as establishing balance between the positive and negative areas.


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