
Showing posts from October, 2017

COLOR: Color Wheel and Schemes

Today the class began working with COLOR. First, each student made a color wheel to gain an understanding of how to work with the paint and mix colors. The 12 step wheel above illustrates the three primary colors-red, yellow and blue, three secondary colors- orange, green and violet and the tertiary colors- yellow/orange, yellow/green, red/orange, red/violet, blue/green, blue/violet. We also began working on the Color Schemes project. The students drew the same symmetrical design on six pieces of paper to later be painted with a different color scheme presented in the class discussion.

VALUE AND SPACE: Atmoshpheric Perspective

Paprika (work in progress) On Wednesday the class continued working on their atmospheric perspective paintings. We will critique these first thing on Monday before moving onto discussing COLOR. You will need black and white paint as well as primary red, yellow and blue.

VALUE AND SPACE: Atmospheric Perspective

On Monday the class began paintings employing the properties of atmospheric perspective. Using silhouettes, the paintings illustrate closed values addressing 10 different values; black, white and eight shades of gray. Somewhere in the design should be a value scale.

VALUE: Rhythm and Repetition

Dennis Ismena Sam Today was the last class session for working on the "Rhythm and Repetition" project. The three drawings above have distinctive characteristics. Dennis' drawing illustrates three-dimensional shapes packed into the space. In addition, he has included a number of textural areas. Ismena's drawing has a whirling pattern of pinwheel like shapes as well as a stacked quality of rectangular elements. Sam's drawing illustrates an overall pattern of six values with the addition of larger clusters forming oval shapes hovering within the mass.